Annuitization Today: The Deal of a Lifetime


By Tom Wall


Annuities, in their purest form, guarantee a person income for the rest of their life in exchange for a lump-sum payment. It’s like life insurance in reverse, where the insurance company pays YOU based on how long they think you’ll live. If you die young, you lose the bet and they keep the money unless you’ve paid for other guarantees. If you live a long time, payments continue and you can win endlessly. This is the way to plan for longevity.

The cash flow from annuities these days is incredible, FAR exceeding what any retirement expert would suggest you could safely withdraw from an investment portfolio. However, some people don’t annuitize like this due to 3 concerns:
- Legacy: Nothing left for loved ones
- Liquidity: No access to cash for emergencies or healthcare
- Lost Opportunity: FOMO!

By owning whole life insurance, you can address all of these and grant yourself permission to annuitize:  
💸 Guarantee a tax-free legacy
👩🏼‍⚕️ Provide for long-term care expenses through riders
🏦 Have unrestricted access to rising cash values 
📈 If rates rise, your dividends will too

Using actuarial science, you can get guaranteed returns that are simply unavailable elsewhere, all while knowing your money will last as long as you do. It’s the reason these tools have been around longer than anything else you’re putting money into today.

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