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ADVISORS: Are you looking to ACCELERATE your Whole Life Sales in 2024?

Are missed opportunities holding you back?

fears, doubts, or uncertainties keeping you from your unique potential?

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Join other high-performing advisors maximizing their opportunities each and every month with proven systems and strategies.


Our exclusive, one-of-a-kind program gives you access to THE top producers in the whole life space, along with thought leaders, academics, and other industry influencers.

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Join other high-performing advisors maximizing their opportunities each and every month with proven systems and strategies.

Put a Ph.D. with 20 years of experience on YOUR team.

Tom Wall has spent the entirety of his 20-year career positioning whole life insurance and competing against his alternative.  Starting in college as an award-winning advisor with Northwestern Mutual before moving his practice to MassMutual, he subsequently grew his career in prominent home office roles in sales and marketing leadership.  In those roles, he developed into a renowned storyteller and product expert at perennial company conferences and firm meetings nation-wide.  Tom’s Ph.D. is in retirement income planning, with original research on Whole Life as a Fixed Income Alternative under the advisement of industry thought leaders Wade Pfau, Michael Finke, and Stephen Parrish. His focus on academic integrity and decades of sales experience combine to make him a uniquely credible and inspirational voice in the life insurance space.  Tom now coaches and consults with financial advisors, hosts the Whole Life Masterminds study group, and has published his first book titled “Permission to Spend: Maximize Your Retirement with the Best Kept Secret in Personal Finance.”  Tom lives in the greater Boston area with his two sons age 12 & 9, and is an avid golfer and traveler.

Upcoming Members-Only LIVE
Interactive Sessions
with Successful Industry Leaders:

The Basics of Business Planning with Life Insurance with Tom Wall

Wednesday, May 22nd at 2:00 PM EST

The business owner space is a huge market for individuals to find that next BIG premium. However, for many, navigating the associated topics can feel daunting and complex. Tom will walk you through the process of gaining confidence in this space and help you understand the concepts and sales strategies to ignite excitement among business owners about life insurance.

Positioning Whole Life in High Net Worth Markets with Corey Schneider

Wednesday, June 5th at 2:00 PM EST

Corey Schneider, a distinguished founding member of Sentinel Solutions in New York. Recognized as the #1 Financial Security Professional in the state of New York for 2023 by Forbes, Corey excels in serving high-net-worth individuals, offering meticulously tailored solutions to intricate financial challenges. Don't miss out on this exclusive session with one of the nation's top producers!

Leading Clients with Authenticity with Jordan Montgomery

Wednesday, June 19th at 2:00 PM EST

Key-note speaker and highly regarded performance coach Jordan Montgomery is back on the program after a great debut in the Fast Start Forum. One of the most important parts of financial advising is communication and trust. Being able to communicate effectively and gain trust of clients is crucial. Jordan will go through hist steps on building your authenticity and leading client effectively.  

WHAT are you waiting for???

Join other high-performing advisors maximizing their opportunities each and every month with proven systems and strategies.